Annual Reports
Transforming hundreds of pages of financial information into engaging, world-renowned annual reports has been one of my greatest challenges. Working with budget restrictions I was able to work on these “Out-of-the-box” and “World’s-first” projects.
Save trees.
In 2011, our team was asked to create an annual report for the Calgary Zoo in under a week, with a very small printing budget. We decided to use the time and budget constraints to demonstrate the Zoo’s message about conservation.
Instead of a standard 28-page annual report, the annual was designed to fit on a single sheet of 100% recycled newsprint, saving reams of paper and ink.
NY One-Show
Silver Pencil
Communication Arts
Best Annual Report, Sustainability/CSR Reports category
Put it on
After the successful 2011 annual, I worked on an instagram-only version of the Annual Report for 2012. It was the world's first annual report to ever be published on Instagram. View report here. I really enjoyed this project as I got to spend days at the zoo taking photos, as well as creating a ton of creative photos with no budget.
Bronze Lion
"Communication Design - Annual Reports & Information" at 2013 Cannes Lions.
Best in Show
*Won "Best in Show"
at 2014 Ad Rodeo Anvil Awards.
Best Annual
Won "Best Annual Report"
at 2014 Ad Rodeo Anvil Awards.
Oil & Gas
meets fine art.
I designed these visually stunning series of annual reports for Osum by partnering with talented art students from the local art college. The striking cover artwork was crafted using Bitumen, a raw material supplied by the client, resulting in breathtaking pieces that truly showcase the beauty that can be derived from crude oil.